Thursday, June 28, 2007


June 5, 2007

On observing the plagued life of a highly fashionable (of the moment) model/actress, pursued and dogged relentlessly by celebrity photographers. She has ceased to become a person and at times she starts to realize this, to her horror. Even though she is popular, sought, liked, it is not her that they seek. It is the $20,000 reward one could get with the "right" picture of her. It is the status she brings. But she herself is no more. She has (almost) ceased to be. And in her place, where once was a person, is a bag of money.


A similar awful (but hardly as significant in magnitude) transformation happens when material things become even less than themselves. When they become plain dollar bills. When one hangs a painting or something that passes for art (or perhaps is honest enough to just be called home decorations) not for the beauty, or even appearance, but solely for the monetary value it represents (or facades). And so some are in houses of, dressed in, transported by, and surrounded solely by little drab pieces of paper.


  1. Wow - that's sad! I think if I were her, I would disappear...completely.

  2. Hmmmmm . . . if we don't attempt to drown ourselves in such things we have to become real. Now that's a worthy challenge to us all, lest we excuse ourselves for the attempted drownings . . . Hmmmmmm. - Pop
